

Q. Write a detailed note on postcolonialism.


Sometimes, postcolonialism is spelled with a hyphen as ‘post-colonialism,’ and sometimes it appears without a hyphen.

Post-colonialism: This form often signifies the period after colonial rule ended, like ‘after’ colonialism. It highlights the immediate aftermath and transitional phase experienced by former colonies.

Postcolonialism: In contrast, postcolonialism without a hyphen generally refers to a broader academic theory. This theory is about understanding and analyzing colonialism’s long-lasting impacts and legacies. 

It encompasses topics including cultural identity, political structures, and economic conditions influenced by colonial rule. 

What is postcolonialism?

The following critics have shared their thoughts on what postcolonialism means:

Charles E. Bressler

An approach to literary analysis that concerns itself particularly with literature written in English in formerly colonized countries.

Meenakshi Mukherjee

Postcolonialism is not just a chronological label marking the period after the end of empires. It is, more importantly, an ideologically emancipatory concept. This perspective enables a critical interrogation of established literary concepts and offers a way to read texts from non-Western perspectives. Mukherjee emphasizes the importance of understanding postcolonialism as a tool for reinterpreting canonical European texts from formerly colonized societies’ specific historical and geographical locations.

G. Rai

Postcolonialism is an enterprise that seeks emancipation from all types of subjugation defined in terms of gender, race, and class.

Postcolonialism Functions

  1. Challenging Dominant Ideologies
  2.  Questioning Colonial Justifications
  3. Reclaiming Native Cultures
  4. Celebrating Indigenous Traditions and Values
  5. Reshaping Identity and History

1- Challenging Dominant Ideologies: Postcolonialism inherently opposes and critiques the dominant narratives and ideologies imposed by colonial powers. It subverts these narratives by questioning their validity and highlighting the biases and prejudices they contain.

2- Questioning Colonial Justifications: A significant aspect of postcolonial theory is challenging and dismantling the historical and cultural narratives created by colonizers.

These narratives often depicted colonized societies as inferior or in need of ‘civilization.’ Postcolonialism exposes these views as constructs designed to justify and maintain colonial dominance.

3- Reclamation of Native Cultures: An essential goal of postcolonialism is to reclaim and reaffirm the value and richness of indigenous cultures. It involves celebrating native traditions, languages, and values suppressed or marginalized during colonial rule.

4- Celebration of Indigenous Traditions and Values: Postcolonialism emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating colonized societies’ unique cultural practices, beliefs, and histories.

It advocates for a re-centered view where these indigenous elements are considered equally valid and significant.

5- Reshaping Identity and History: By revisiting and reinterpreting history from the perspective of the colonized, postcolonialism allows for a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of the past.

This process helps form a postcolonial identity that acknowledges the complexities and realities of a postcolonial world.

Postcolonial Discourse

Postcolonial discourse is developed by a few writers who examine how colonialism has affected and continues to influence former colonies. The writers are:

Frantz Omar Fanon (1925-1961)

Frantz Omar Fanon was a Francophone Afro-Caribbean psychiatrist and political philosopher. He was notable for his analysis of the psychological and sociopolitical effects of colonialism.

  • Black Skin, White Masks (1952)
  • A Dying Colonialism (1959)
  • The Wretched of the Earth (1961)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (1938- )
A Kenyan writer known for contributing to postcolonial literature and theory.
  • A Grain of Wheat (1967)
  • Decolonizing the Mind (1986)
Edward Said (1935-2003) 

A Palestinian American literary theorist and cultural critic, he is influential for his critique of Western cultural representations of the East.

  • Orientalism (1978)
  • Culture and Imperialism (1993)
Aijaz Ahmad (1941- )

He is an Indian-born American theorist and political commentator noted for his Marxist views in postcolonial theory.

  • In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures (1992)
  • Lineages of the Present (2000)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1942- )

An Indian scholar known for her postcolonial and critical theory work.

  • Can the Subaltern Speak? (1988)
  • A Critique of Postcolonial Reason (1999)
Bill Ashcroft (1946- )

An Australian professor and prominent postcolonial theorist.

  • The Empire Writes Back (1989, with Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin)
  • Post-Colonial Transformation (2001)
Homi K. Bhabha (1949- )

He is an Indian-British scholar and critical theorist known for his work on postcolonial theory and cultural change.

  • The Location of Culture (1994)
  • Nation and Narration (1990)

Robert Young has called Saeed, Homi Bhabha, and Spivak the ‘Holy Trinity‘ of the postcolonial theorists. 

Post-colonial discourse explores colonial rule’s cultural, political, and social impacts, focusing on identity, race, and power dynamics. This field studies how colonized societies reclaim their cultures and identities and critiques the ongoing influence of colonial ideologies.

It challenges stereotypes, particularly the portrayal of the East by the West, and looks at mixed cultural identities that result from colonial history. 

What is postcolonial literature?

Postcolonial literature refers to a body of works dealing with the subject and consequences of colonialism and its aftermath. It emerges primarily from former colonies of European countries and explores the interactions and experiences resulting from the colonial encounter.

The key characteristics and themes of postcolonial literature include:

  1. Colonial Impact
  2. Identity and Culture
  3. Resistance and Liberation
  4. Hybridity and Diaspora
  5. Critique of Power and Colonial Ideology
  6. Narratives of Oppression and Marginalization
  7. Language and Narrative Style

1- Colonial Impact: It often discusses the effects of colonization on both colonizers and colonized, delving into the cultural, political, and social changes brought by colonial rule.

2- Identity and Culture: Postcolonial literature frequently explores questions of identity, cultural heritage, and the struggle to reclaim or redefine indigenous cultures and languages that were suppressed or marginalized during colonial rule.

3- Resistance and Liberation: These works often highlight the struggles for independence, resistance against colonial powers, and the quest for national and personal liberation.

4- Hybridity and Diaspora: The literature explores themes of cultural hybridity, diaspora, and the complex identities formed in the postcolonial world, where boundaries between colonizer and colonized cultures blur.

5- Critique of Power and Colonial Ideology: It critically examines the ideologies of colonialism, challenging the narratives and representations created by the colonizers and offering alternative perspectives.

6- Narratives of Oppression and Marginalization: Postcolonial literature gives voice to those historically marginalized and silenced in colonial narratives, focusing on the experiences of the subaltern – the socially, politically, and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure.

7- Language and Narrative Style: The use of language in postcolonial literature is often significant, with some authors choosing to write in indigenous languages or infusing the colonizer’s language with local idioms and cadences.

Famous Postcolonial Writers

1- Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014)
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967)
  • Love in the Time of Cholera (1985)
2- V.S. Naipaul (1932-2018)
Trinidad and Tobago/UK
  • A House for Mr Biswas (1961)
  • In a Free State (1971)

3- Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)

  • Things Fall Apart (1958)
  • No Longer at Ease (1960)

4- Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o (1938- )

  • A Grain of Wheat (1967)
  • Petals of Blood (1977)

5- Ben Okri (1959- )

  • The Famished Road (1991)
    Songs of Enchantment (1993)

6- Arundhati Roy (1961- )

  • The God of Small Things (1997)
  • The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (2017)

7- Hanif Kureishi (1954- )

  • The Buddha of Suburbia (1990)
  • Intimacy (1998)

These authors’ novels do more than just tell stories from the viewpoint of the colonized. They deeply explore the long-term effects of colonial rule.

These books look at important themes like identity, cultural mixing, resistance, and the ongoing impact of colonialism. They show how the past under colonial rule shapes life today in these countries.

The stories are not just about history; they actively question how colonialism continues to affect people’s lives. Through their writing, these authors offer insights into the challenges and changes in countries that were once colonized.