Aberrant in a Sentence

Aberrant  in a sentence
Aberrant [əˈberənt] (adjective)

1- Deviating from the normal or expected course; atypical

2- Departing from an accepted standard; diverging from the normal type


Ab-Errant: Think of “aberrant” as “ab” (away) + “errant” (erring or straying). So, something that is aberrant is straying away from what is normal or expected.

Origin of the word

The word “aberrant” is derived from the Latin word “aberrare,” which means “to go astray” or “to wander.” “Aberrare” itself is a combination of “ab-,” a prefix meaning “away,” and “errare,” meaning “to stray” or “to wander.”

Therefore, the literal translation of “aberrant” from its Latin origin would be “to wander away” or “to stray away.”

Over time, “aberrant” has come to describe anything that deviates from the expected or normal course, especially if the deviation is problematic or unwelcome.

Today, “aberrant” is commonly used in various contexts, including biology, behavior, and sociology, to describe atypical characteristics or behaviors.

Aberrant in a sentence

1- Deviating from the normal or expected course; atypical

1- Her aberrant excitement began to abate after hearing the news.

2- Her aberrant approach to solving the problem surprised everyone, but it worked effectively.

3- The aberrant readings on the equipment had the scientists scratching their heads in confusion.

4- The teacher was concerned about the student’s aberrant attendance, as he had never missed a day before.

5- The detective noticed aberrant patterns in the criminal’s behavior, which did not fit the profile of a typical offender.

6- The aberrant growth of the cells indicated a possible mutation, leading to further investigation.

7- His aberrant sense of humour often left people unsure of how to respond.

8- The aberrant art style of the exhibit challenged traditional notions of beauty and composition.

9- The animal’s aberrant behaviour was eventually attributed to a neurological disorder.

10- The software was programmed to flag any aberrant transactions that could indicate fraudulent activity.

11- The company faced public backlash due to its aberrant environmental practices.

12- The young scientist observed the fish’s aberrant behavior, unlike any other in the tank.

13- The aberrant behaviour of the leader raised questions about his fitness for the role.

14- The community was shocked by the aberrant crime rate in their usually peaceful town.

15- The plant exhibited aberrant growth patterns due to the contaminated soil.

16- His aberrant conduct at the party left a lasting impression on the guests.

17-  The athlete’s aberrant drug test results led to an investigation.

18- The politician’s aberrant decisions in office drew criticism from all sides.

19- The student’s aberrant performance on the test raised suspicions of cheating.

20- The engine’s aberrant sounds were an indication that something was seriously wrong.

2- Departing from an accepted standard; diverging from the normal type

1- The scientist focused her research on the aberrant cells, hoping to understand their role in the disease.

2- The author’s aberrant narrative style captivates readers with its uniqueness.

3- The machine produced aberrant results, leading to a recalibration.

4- The artist is known for her aberrant use of colors and shapes.

5- The aberrant behavior of the software puzzled the development team.

6- His aberrant views on education reform set him apart from his colleagues.

7- The study aimed to identify the factors leading to aberrant development in embryos.

8- The aberrant design of the building made it a local landmark.

9- The biologist studied the aberrant migration patterns of the birds, trying to determine the cause of the unusual behavior.

10- The aberrant results of the experiment led to a breakthrough in research.

I am an assistant professor of English Literature in the Higher Education Department. I have been teaching for the last 15 years.

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