Existentialism in The Stranger

Existentialism in The Stranger

Q. Trace out existentialism in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus.

Q. What are the existentialist ideas present in the novel? How does Meursault’s journey reflect existentialist themes of freedom, choice, and the search for meaning in a meaningless world?

Existentialism in The Stranger (Outsider)

Absurdity in “The Stranger (Outsider)”

In Albert Camus’ novel “The Outsider,” the idea of absurdity is clearly shown. The main character, Meursault, has a detached and indifferent attitude towards significant events.

The novel starts with Meursault’s reaction to his mother’s death. Instead of showing grief, he remains emotionally detached, which goes against societal expectations.

This sets the tone for the entire book, highlighting the existentialist belief that “existence precedes essence.” This means that individuals are not born with a predetermined purpose. Instead, they create their own essence through actions and choices.

Throughout the story, Meursault’s actions and inactions show that life is inherently meaningless. There is no intrinsic purpose or objective truth.

His indifference to the rituals and expectations surrounding grief reminds us that any meaning we give to life is a human construct. This is our attempt to bring order to a chaotic and ultimately meaningless universe.

Freedom and Responsibility

A key idea in existentialist philosophy is the concept of radical freedom and the responsibility that comes with it. Meursault lives by his own rules, free from societal conventions or moral codes.

His actions are often driven by impulse and personal desire rather than rational thought. This highlights the existentialist belief that humans are free to choose their own path.

This is true even if those choices seem irrational or morally wrong. One significant act in the novel is Meursault’s murder of an Arab on the beach. This act, seemingly without motive, exemplifies radical freedom.

Meursault’s decision to kill is not driven by malice or planning. Instead, it results from physical discomfort and emotional detachment.

This senseless act of violence serves as a powerful symbol of the existentialist belief that individuals are solely responsible for their choices. They must bear the consequences of their actions, regardless of societal judgment or condemnation.

Life Without Meaning

In a world without inherent meaning, Meursault’s life becomes a quest for authenticity amidst the absurdity of existence. He rejects societal constructs and religious beliefs.

Instead, he finds comfort in living in the present moment and on his own terms. However, this quest for authenticity leads to isolation.

Meursault’s refusal to conform to societal expectations and emotional norms ultimately results in his conviction for murder.

This highlights the tension between individual freedom and social order. The novel suggests that the search for meaning in a meaningless world is ultimately futile.

Any meaning we give to life is temporary and illusory. It is our way of coping with the inherent absurdity of existence.

Facing Death

Death is a central theme in existentialist philosophy. It is also a significant part of “The Outsider.” Meursault’s execution forces him to confront his own mortality. In the face of death, he finds peace and acceptance.

This acceptance is not a resignation to fate. Instead, it is an affirmation of his freedom and the choices he has made throughout his life. Meursault embraces the present moment.

He finds comfort in simple pleasures, like the warmth of the sun and the sound of the sea. Accepting death as inevitable helps him transcend fear and anxiety.

True to Oneself

Meursault’s commitment to his own truth, even in the face of societal condemnation, shows the existentialist ideal of authenticity. He refuses to conform to societal expectations or pretend to feel emotions he does not genuinely experience.

This commitment to authenticity, while isolating, ultimately frees him from the constraints of social norms. It allows him to live a life true to himself.

Meursault’s journey shows the power of authenticity, even in a world that may see such authenticity as deviant or dangerous. His unwavering commitment to his own truth, even in the face of death, affirms the individual’s right to define their existence.

Reflecting Human Condition

“The Outsider” serves as a profound reflection on the human condition. Through Meursault’s experiences, Camus encourages readers to question societal norms and the meanings we attach to life events.

The story suggests that in an absurd universe, traditional values and norms may not hold the same significance. Meursault’s indifference to events that society deems important, such as his mother’s death or his own trial, makes us reflect on the arbitrariness of societal expectations.

His actions and attitudes reveal the inherent absurdity in trying to find meaning within a chaotic and indifferent universe.

The Weight of Freedom

In “The Outsider,” freedom is both liberating and burdensome. Meursault’s actions, driven by personal impulses rather than societal norms, highlight the existentialist idea of radical freedom.

He is free to make his own choices, but this freedom comes with the responsibility to accept the consequences. The novel portrays this freedom as a double-edged sword.

On one hand, it allows Meursault to live authentically. On the other, it isolates him from society and leads to his downfall. His random act of violence against the Arab shows the extreme consequences of living without regard for societal norms or moral codes.

Accepting Mortality

Meursault’s confrontation with death is a crucial part of his journey. Faced with the certainty of his execution, he comes to terms with his mortality. This confrontation forces him to reflect on his life and the choices he has made. In accepting his death, Meursault finds a sense of peace and clarity.

He recognizes the inevitability of death and embraces it as a natural part of existence. This acceptance allows him to find meaning in the present moment, free from the fear of the unknown.

His reflections on life and death highlight the existentialist belief in finding authenticity through the acceptance of life’s uncertainties.

Authenticity and Social Norms

Meursault’s commitment to authenticity sets him apart from society. He refuses to conform to expected behaviors or pretend to feel emotions he does not. This stance isolates him but also frees him from the falsehoods of societal expectations.

His trial becomes a spectacle, not because of the crime itself, but because he refuses to adhere to social norms. Meursault’s behavior challenges the court and society’s notions of morality and decency.

His journey underscores the existentialist ideal of living true to oneself, despite the potential for societal rejection or condemnation.

I am an assistant professor of English Literature in the Higher Education Department. I have been teaching for the last 15 years.

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