Features of the Renaissance

Features of the Renaissance

Q. What are the salient features of the Renaissance? Discuss its influence on Marlowe and Shakespeare, illustrating from their plays. 

The Renaissance was a vibrant and transformative period from the 14th to the 17th century. This era acted as a bridge to modern times, showcasing several unique features that indicated a revival of intellectual and creative energies. 

Features of the Renaissance

  • Rediscovering Ancient Ideas
  • Humanism
  • Individuality
  • Flourish in Art
  • Scientific Innovations
  • Thriving Literature
  • Political and Social Transformations 
1- Rediscovering Ancient Ideas 

During the Renaissance, people developed a keen interest in the philosophies, arts, and sciences of ancient Greek and Roman times. Scholars showed avid interest in old texts, aiming to combine past knowledge with contemporary insights.

During this period, people began focusing more on individual ideas and feelings. They drew inspiration from beautiful art, stories, and past discoveries. It sparked an exciting wave of learning, creating new art, and thinking in new ways.

2- Humanism 

At the core of the Renaissance was the philosophy of Humanism, a shift that moved society’s focus from mainly religious discussions to a more grounded, person-centered approach. Humanism nurtured a strong belief in individuals’ inherent worth and dignity.

It steered society towards a scenario where logic, experience, and tangible evidence became the foundations of knowledge. This movement reshaped the intellectual conversations of the time.

3- Individuality 

During the Renaissance, individuality became a prominent theme, highlighting personal achievements and expressions.

Artists and thinkers emerged as individuals, establishing themselves with their unique styles and remarkable contributions to their fields. In this era, the emphasis was on personal expression and personal excellence.

4- Flourish in Art 

The world witnessed a dramatic transformation during the Renaissance, giving birth to many artists who dared to venture beyond the known artistic boundaries of the Middle Ages.

Masters like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo initiated a true renaissance in art. They introduced realism and emotional depth in their works. Their creations reflected a deep appreciation of the human form and the beauty of nature.

5- Scientific Innovations

This period also saw a surge in scientific inquiries and innovations. It led to thinkers and scientists questioning and reevaluating established notions about the cosmos and the natural environment.

Individuals like Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus made a scientific revolution. They revolutionized humanity’s understanding of the universe and its complex workings.

6- Thriving Literature

In the literary domain, the Renaissance provided a nurturing ground for writers, poets, and playwrights to explore the depths of human experiences, emotions, and desires.

The literary scene transformed, shifting its focus from religious narratives to stories more grounded in human reality.

Icons like Dante Alighieri and Petrarch, followed by figures like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, became symbols of literary prowess, crafting narratives rich with complex character developments and deep exploration of the various facets of human nature.

7- Political and Social Transformations 

Along with the intellectual and artistic revolutions, the Renaissance saw noticeable changes in society’s political and social dynamics.

The rise of powerful nation-states marked a shift towards centralized government structures, moving away from the disjointed feudal system of the Middle Ages.

This period also encouraged social mobility, allowing individuals to rise above their social status.

The Impact on Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare

The Renaissance, a time of significant change and learning, significantly shaped the works of well-known writers like Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

Both used the core ideas of the Renaissance. Their plays focus on the depth of human emotions and personal achievements. Their plays vibrantly reflect the energetic spirit of the Renaissance.

Marlowe’s Use of Renaissance Ideas

1- Doctor Faustus

In “Doctor Faustus,” Marlowe shows the main ideas of the Renaissance by painting a picture of extreme self-reliance. The main character, Dr. Faustus, is unhappy with his limited knowledge and decides to explore further, even making a dangerous deal with the devil.

This story clearly shows the Renaissance’s focus on learning and personal growth, warning about the dangers of going too far in seeking personal glory.

2- Tamburlaine

In “Tamburlaine,” Marlowe reflects the enthusiasm of the Renaissance for personal growth through the story of a shepherd who becomes a strong leader.

This story strongly echoes the Renaissance’s appreciation for personal achievements and the belief in personal growth and success through hard work and ambition.

3- Edward II

In “Edward II,” Marlowe shows the complex relationship between power and personal desires. It is the sad story of King Edward II, who falls because he does not follow society’s expectations.

It highlights the Renaissance belief in questioning old ideas and following personal desires, even showing the possible adverse outcomes of such choices.

4- The Jew of Malta

Another example is “The Jew of Malta,” which shows the impact of the Renaissance. This play highlights themes of greed, revenge, and tricky politics.

It shows the complicated human experiences and moral questions of the time. This is a critical view of the social and political happenings of the Renaissance era.

Shakespeare’s Use of Renaissance Ideas

1- Hamlet

In “Hamlet,” Shakespeare gives us a deep look into human thoughts, a key feature of the Renaissance period. The deep thinking and moral problems Hamlet faces show the period’s move towards understanding the complicated aspects of the human mind and soul.

2- Romeo and Juliet

“Romeo and Juliet” is a clear example of the Renaissance’s shift towards stories focused on personal experiences and feelings. The story showcases love and personal choice, highlighting the period’s focus on personal emotions and experiences.

3- Macbeth

In “Macbeth,” Shakespeare shows ambition and power. The play highlights the dark results of unchecked personal ambition. The Renaissance brought a focus on human experience and emotions.

The play is a deep look into Macbeth’s personal ambitions and the trouble it causes. It paints a vivid picture of the highs and lows of human nature, a popular theme of that time.

4- Othello

“Othello” is a sad story about jealousy, betrayal, and racial prejudice. The story has a sad end fueled by deceit and distrust. It strongly reflects the time’s interest in complex human emotions and society’s happenings.

In conclusion, through their engaging stories and well-rounded characters, Marlowe and Shakespeare are literary stars of the Renaissance period. 

Their works not only show the variety of human experiences central to the era but also further develop them. It provides a detailed and complex view of human nature and society. Their plays reflect the active and changing spirit of the Renaissance.

I am an assistant professor of English Literature in the Higher Education Department. I have been teaching for the last 15 years.

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