Hope and Despair in Strong Horse Tea

Hope and Despair in Strong Horse Tea

Q. How does Alice Walker use the element of hope and despair in “Strong Horse Tea”?


“Strong Horse Tea” by Alice Walker is a profound tale that captures the desperation and resilience of Rannie, a mother fighting against all odds to save her critically ill child. Set against racial and social inequality, the narrative brilliantly uses elements of hope and despair to portray the harsh reality of Rannie’s life.

She is desperate as she struggles to secure medical help for her baby, Snooks, in an indifferent society. However, amidst the gloom of despair, hope persists. When access to formal healthcare proves difficult, Rannie finds hope in an older woman, Sarah.

She suggests a traditional remedy – ‘strong horse tea.’ Despite her fear and uncertainty, Rannie clings to this hope. It reflects her deep love for her child and her relentless determination to overcome adversity.

Alice Walker’s narrative is a poignant testament to the human spirit’s ability to foster hope in despair. It is a powerful reminder of the indomitable power of a mother’s love and the resilience inherent in hope, even in the most daunting circumstances.

Rannie’s Despair Amid Societal Indifference

Walker vividly portrays Rannie’s despair, primarily sparked by the life-threatening illness of her baby, Snooks. Her circumstances amplify this despair; she is an African American woman residing in the black quarters of the town, a place where medical aid is not readily accessible due to racial prejudices.

The pain of a mother unable to secure necessary help for her dying child rings clear throughout the story. It makes Rannie’s despair palpable.

Rannie reaches out to the mailman, a white man representing a connection to the larger society. She asks him to bring a doctor in his car to attend Snooks. Though not an outright refusal, the mailman’s lukewarm response does little to alleviate Rannie’s despair.

Instead, it mirrors the societal apathy towards the suffering experienced by the African American community during the era, exacerbating her desperation and sense of helplessness.

The Spark of Hope Amidst Despair

In the gloomy backdrop of Rannie’s despair, Walker skillfully introduces glimmers of hope, effectively preventing the narrative from being overwhelmingly bleak. These glimmers of hope are primarily manifested in Rannie’s persistent efforts to soothe her sick child, reflecting her undying hope for Snooks’s survival.

We also meet Sarah in the story, an older African American woman skilled in using traditional cures. She represents a key source of hope in the story. Society’s norms may restrict Rannie from accessing proper medical care. However, these same norms can’t hold her back from seeking aid within the boundaries of her community.

When Sarah suggests the ‘strong horse tea’, a traditional remedy, as a potential solution for Snooks’s illness, it presents a glimmer of hope for Rannie. It is a testament to the community’s resilience and ability to rely on their ancestral wisdom and resources in adversity.

Hope and Despair

Alice Walker artfully contrasts hope and despair throughout the narrative, a technique that heightens the story’s emotional intensity. Rannie’s actions, driven by hope amidst despair, form the backbone of the narrative.

The moment Rannie gives Snooks the ‘strong horse tea’ is profoundly moving. In this instant, she tries to let hope rise above despair. This particular moment speaks volumes about Rannie’s sheer determination. It also underscores her deep, unwavering love for her child, even in the face of massive despair.

Walker paints an incredibly moving picture of a mother’s hope ignited by despair. Despite being aware of its potential dangers, Rannie’s decision to give Snooks the ‘strong horse tea’ embodies a desperate hope born out of despair.

It is an act of defiance against societal neglect, an assertion of her agency and maternal instinct, and a demonstration of her unyielding hope in the face of grim circumstances.

An Exemplary Interplay of Hope and Despair

In conclusion, Alice Walker’s “Strong Horse Tea” is a potent narrative marked by its skilful use of hope and despair. They are not just narrative devices but critical forces that drive the story forward and shape the characters’ actions and decisions.

They also offer an insight into the bitter realities that African Americans had to grapple with during the time. The despair, highlighted by societal neglect and racial prejudice, paints a grim picture of the challenges faced by the African American community.

However, the story also highlights that hope can endure even in the face of overwhelming despair. To demonstrate this, Walker uses Rannie’s enduring hope for her child’s recovery.

Rannie clings to hope even though she finds herself in desperate circumstances. This shows the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Despite being in a state of deep despair, she manages to find small bits of hope.

Strong Horse Tea,” tells a story of despair, but it’s also about hope. It shows how strong and resilient the human spirit can be when faced with hard times.

I am an assistant professor of English Literature in the Higher Education Department. I have been teaching for the last 15 years.

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