Abate in a Sentence

Abate  in a sentence
Abate [əˈbeɪt] (verb)

1- To reduce in degree or intensity; lessen

2- To put an end to or reduce the amount

3- To diminish in force or intensity


A-Bait: Imagine a fisherman reducing the amount of bait on his hook. Because his quantity of baits was getting low, think of the word “abate,” meaning to reduce or lessen.

Origin of the word

The word “abate” has its origins in the Old French term “abatre,” meaning “to beat down” or “to fell.” The word “abatre” itself is derived from the Latin verb “abattuere,” which is a combination of “ab-,” a prefix meaning “away,” and “battuere,” meaning “to beat.”

So, the literal translation of “abate” from its Latin origin would be “to beat away” or “to beat down.” Over time, the meaning of “abate” evolved in Middle English to refer to reducing, diminishing, or lessening something in intensity, degree, or value.

Today, “abate” is commonly used to describe the reduction of something in force or intensity, such as noise, pain, or even legal issues.

 Abate in a sentence

1- Reducing in Degree or Intensity

1- The loud music from the party next door finally started to abate around midnight, allowing the neighborhood to sleep.

2- Her enthusiasm for the risky project began to abate after she realized the potential downsides.

3- As the medication took effect, the severe pain John was experiencing slowly began to abate.

4- When the wind started to abate, the sailboat moved more smoothly through the water.

5- The manager’s anger began to abate after he heard the employee’s sincere apology.

6- Once the snowstorm started to abate, the city crews began clearing the roads.

7- The heavy rain abated early in the morning, causing the streets to flood.

8- Her fear began to abate as she realized the situation was not as dangerous as she first thought.

9- After the economic crisis, inflation rates started to abate, relieving consumers.

10- The teacher’s patience began to abate after dealing with disruptive behavior all day.

2- To put an end to or reduce the amount

1- The new law was passed to abate the increasing pollution in the city.

2- The government’s intervention was required to abate the spread of the infectious disease.

3- The mayor’s new policy aimed to abate homelessness in the city.

4- The strict regulations helped to abate the illegal trade occurring in the region.

5- The charity’s mission is to abate poverty and improve living conditions in the community.

6-The teacher’s strict demeanor began to abate when she saw the students working hard.

7- The new treatment has significantly helped to abate the symptoms of the disease.

8- The conservation group is working hard to abate the destruction of the rainforest.

9- The city council introduced measures to abate noise pollution in residential areas.

10- Using renewable energy sources is crucial to abate our dependence on fossil fuels.

3- To diminish in force or intensity

1- The storm’s intensity began to abate as it moved offshore.

2- The athlete’s energy started to abate after hours of intense competition.

3- As the protests continued, the police presence did not abate, ensuring safety in the community.

4- The fever’s grip on her body began to abate after a few days of rest and medication.

5- Once his anger abated, he was able to discuss the issue more calmly.

6- The excitement in the room started to abate as the event ended.

7- As the wildfire began to abate, the firefighters gained control over the blaze.

8- The period of economic decline began to abate, leading to a period of financial stability.

9- The pain from the injury abated after applying the ice pack.

10- The public’s interest in the scandal began to abate as new stories emerged.

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